Product Information

Please see the table below for details of the currently available product versions.

ProductVersionOperating SystemsDescriptionLicense TypeSeats Per LicensePrice
Particle Flocker 2.xWin64 / LinuxFull versionNode Locked1£19.99
Particle Flocker 2.xWin64 / LinuxFull version with floating licenseFloating1£29.99
Particle Flocker [RENDER ONLY]
2.xWin64 / LinuxRender-only version for use with render farmsFloating10£19.99

A list of currently supported Maya versions can be found on our Supported Maya Versions page.

For the latest OS compatability visit our Supported Operating Systems page.

Visit our FAQ page for further details about the different license types available, or contact us for support

Please note that the trial version is only available for Windows